Monday, July 27, 2009

Until Official Fundraising Begins...

Let's just be honest - non-profits need money. Reaching the poor and needy and providing for their needs takes funds. And a bunch of college students and post-college young adults who don't have much money can't pay for everything.

But our dreams are much bigger than just providing free food, clothes, blankets, hotel rooms and program costs for people we help in Hollywood. We want a building. We want full-time staff and people living and working in Hollywood with Broken Hearts 24/7 in order to really impact the community in a lasting way. We want a place for people to come and be accepted and get to just hang out and get off the street for the night. A place to build community. To help people find and apply for jobs and work on resumes and job skills. To have our bible study and more small group studies throughout the week.

We're working on the strategy and business plan for this right now, but we all know that we want to do more. If you feel so inclined to help out and provide for some of those needs or help us save money for a building, please visit our PayPal donation page at:

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